PACE Canada funded the erection of the exterior concrete walls for a large multipurpose room to accommodate the growing student body. This initiative  provided the foundation for Jamaica Youth Education Support (Jamaica YES) to complete the rest of the multipurpose room and repair the ceiling over the kitchen and children’s restrooms.

The project began with extensive termite eradication due to significant termite damage which was impacting the structural integrity within certain areas of the school.  Once the multipurpose room was completed, it was followed by repairs of all areas impacted by the termites.

Fundraising for this project was a memorial to a dedicated former student, Danny Pantry, who was helping make a difference at the school.  Danny was known by many visitors to the island and was a great ambassador of Jamaica.  With his sudden passing last year at the age of 50, so many who knew him wanted to help make a difference at the school.

The dedication ceremony was held on August 21, 2024, despite the impact from Hurricane Beryl on the island. A plaque was presented and hung in the new room at the school, to acknowledge PACE Canada’s previous involvement in this project.

About Jamaica YES

Jamaica Youth Education Support (Jamaica YES), is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the underserved school children in Jamaica, and is based in Dallas, Texas.

Since the inception in 2004, Jamaica YES has remained committed to making a lasting impact on education in Jamaica. Founded by five Jamaican diaspora residing in the Dallas area, the current eight member team is 100% volunteer and remains focused on creating a legacy of change; empowering a generation to break free from the cycle of poverty.

This year Jamaica YES is funding breakfast programs in thirteen Basic and Primary schools throughout the island, providing over 4,300 meals per week to more than 900 food insecure students. Additionally, we have been instrumental in providing safe school transportation for a limited number of students residing a significant distance from their school.

In recent years we have orchestrated donor designated funding of school requested projects ranging from vegetable gardens to a technology center and several scholarships.

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